About Gail Pierce

After graduating from Smith College with a major in Latin American studies, I launched my career as an editor at a small, tech industry publishing firm in Lexington, MA. Soon thereafter, Steve Jobs started courting reporters with amazing media kits, which made marketing look FUN!

So, with an appreciated greater tech sector knowledge and trade press contacts in hand, I crossed over into marketing communications via some wonderful software start-ups in the greater Boston area. Working with a lot of amazing, innovative people, I learned a lot, worked a lot and had a lot of fun!

When I wanted to start a family, I prioritized work/life balance, so I launched my own business as a freelance copywriter, which I enjoyed for many years. When the time came to return to full-time marketing communications, I was fortunate to land a senior role with an acquired software start-up at a leading, global financial services organization. I enjoyed working with some truly brilliant and wonderful people, successfully launching new software solutions and having fun for nearly a decade.

However, that tour ended, so I again happily ‘hung my shingle’ as a freelance copywriter, storyteller and content strategist.

I would love to meet with you to hear your story and discuss how we might work together to achieve or exceed your visionary and tactical business goals.

Let me know how I could help you succeed!


Let’s talk.


Boston, Massachusetts

Website designed by
Pat Campagnone